CopyFax Digital Office Solutions customers have collectively offset the equivalent of 24.3M letter pages of paper consumption by reforesting 2.92K trees since joining PrintReleaf in January 2017.

Automatically turn paper and fiber-based materials consumption into certified environmental offsets
PrintReleaf’s cloud-based software enables companies to reforest the biomass and offset the carbon for paper-based printing, packages and products.-
Powerful, Automated Integrations for MPS Providers
Custom Data Workflows for Commercial Printers and Packaging Providers
Sustainability Dashboard follow projects and track progress
1. Measurement
PrintReleaf measures your ongoing consumption of forest products via automated integrations, custom data workflows, or manual entry.
2. Analysis
PrintReleaf calculates the environmental footprint of your forest products:
- How many trees were harvested to produce what you consumed
- The carbon emissions of the forest products you consumed
3. Offsets
Your environmental footprint is automatically offset in global reforestation and carbon offset projects of your choice.